Only two days until the most romantic holiday of the year … The feast of red roses, romantic tickets, chocolates, kisses and dinners for two!
And if on this day, this special day, you choose to drink with our natural wines, might we suggest you also finish your dinner with flavour and lightness by savouring this dessert made even sweeter by another of our products, our delicate La Maliosa Organic Wildflower Honey? They’re a must with these pancakes, which also have ricotta and chocolate (a powerful aphrodisiac and mood-improving food) that goes well with raspberries for a tangy note of contrast…


Crepes with ricotta and raspberries
Ingredients for 6 crepes
For the crepes
1 egg from a happy chicken
100g of plain flour
1 pinch of fleur de sel
20g of sugar
250ml of milk

For the filling
320g of ricotta3
0g of 70% dark chocolate
1 tablespoon of La Maliosa Organic Millefiori Honey

To serve
120g fresh raspberries
icing sugar
a knob of butter

Sift the flour into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and milk. Whisk well. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and add to the batter. Stir and let the mixture stand for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile chop the chocolate into coarse flakes.
Drain the ricotta. Add the honey and chocolate flakes. Put the mixture in the refrigerator.
Heat up a frying pan and add the butter to the pan.
Pour a ladle of crepe batter in the centre. Tilt the pan quickly to ensure the batter is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Cook for a minute or until the crepe is golden on one other side, flip and wait for the other side to get the same colour.
When ready, remove from the pan and slide onto a plate. Continue with the remaining crepes, laying them one on top of the other.
Stuff the crepes with the ricotta and complete with raspberries.
Dust with icing sugar and serve immediately.

Sara Milletti

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