The La Maliosa Bianco 2011 is Top of the Papillon’s Top Hundred!

Paolo Massobrio e Marco Gatti

Who said that to believe in its own way, have confidence in the choices made does not lead to a lot of satisfaction?
Investing in and working the land, respecting it, producing without the obsession to sell but with the desire to introduce its products to the whole world, and then also, and not least, to be patient, as it happens here at La Maliosa, can give very great satisfaction.

One of the most recent ones arrived at Fattoria La Maliosa on July 17 with a tweet notification that made us all exult with joy.

la maliosa top dei top

A great satisfaction for all those who’ve contributed to the project.

This is what Paolo Massobrio and Marco Gatti, of the national association Club di Papillon and creators of the award to the 100 best wines of Italy, which each year proposes 100 new wines to be awarded, wrote. “Many are the wines of some historical cellars among which Masi in Valpolicella and Cecchi in Tuscany, but also biodynamic wines and among them emerges the top of the top that hit the tasters after thousands of tastings. It’s the La Maliosa Bianco (procanico) 2011 of Fattoria La Maliosa in Manciano (Grosseto) “.
They deserve our thanks!

We’ll meet November 16th to 18th in Milan during Golosaria 2013 at the awards ceremony which we’ll have the honor of attending.

You can read the news and the list of the 100 wines at: – – – – –    

We can’t but be gratified and proud, but we commit ourselves to an even more special work to continue on our marked out path, which launches a new challenge every day. Thanks to all of you who follow us and support us, or who just drink our wines! Cheers to all, happy holidays and to those who already observe the ripening of the grapes, a good harvest to all!

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