The choice of biodynamic certification

Vigna - coltivazione biodinamica

Since its very first day, Fattoria La Maliosa has made the choice of biodynamic agriculture as the method of farming its grounds, chosen for their position in an unspoiled environment, with vast  woodlands, rich in natural biodiversity. We wanted to associate to these gifts of nature the authentic tastes and flavors of our territory, to obtain products with highest organoleptic qualities, mirror of the native varieties found in the ancient vineyard and in the historical olive groves.

Vigna - coltivazione biodinamica

To communicate and certify our commitment to those who choose La Maliosa products, we’ve decided to get certified by Demeter (, the only international certifier of biodynamic agriculture and products. By law, although biodynamic agriculture is stricter than organic agriculture, we must also be certified organic, and we chose the organic inspection company CCPB (



The days dedicated to the organic and biodynamic controls at La Maliosa are very intense and demanding. Early morning we meet at the farm and a toning trekking up and down our steep grounds begins. The territory as a whole is being observed, differences  from the previous visit are being noted, things achieved are being explained and commented. We talk to the people working at the farm meeting them in the fields. Then we go into the cultivated parts, the olive groves and the vineyard. According to the season the state of the plants is being checked (general health, buds, flowers, pruning, fruit etc.) and the soil around them (the green manure cover). It continues with the inspection of the equipment, specific for biodynamic agriculture (dynamizator, sprayer), and the biodynamic preparations (some in their specific storage case, some exposed to sunlight). At this point it’s usually well past lunch time, a sandwich will do, then we proceed to check the inventory and the documents: condition of bottled wine and oil, organic certification of suppliers, seeds, transformers (oil mill, winery); purchase invoices with relevant certificates,  sale invoices; transformation agreements for acceptance of the biodynamic rules (Demeter). Finally the technical report is being written, reflecting the work done at Fattoria La Maliosa, to end the visit with the satisfaction of having done a good job and having it approved by a very precise and meticulous inspector!

All of this in one or two pleasant and warm spring or fall days? Occasionally, rather rarely, but it happens even in the rain or in the bitter cold, or under the very hot sun so typical of our Maremma!
Is it worth it? Yes, because we can give those who choose La Maliosa products the certainty to buy products from a company aware that the environment urgently needs a sustainable agriculture, respectful and healthy, characteristics embraced by organic and biodynamic agriculture. But also that the products are natural, cared for from the field to the bottle, enjoyable and healthy, certified by serious certifiers and recognized as such.
Our greatest satisfaction though is still a visit to Fattoria La Maliosa of those who choose our products, to understand what lies behind the label and certifications, to see our work, to observe the vitality in our fields, together with the great amount of varieties and the many insects and animals which make a biodynamic farm unique.  

And here there are our organic and biodynamic certifications!

Certificato - Demeter



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