Summer 2020 in the vineyard

An open air summer, to be spent in nature, to discover flavors, history and colors our area. The Tuscan Maremma offers the best of all of this and this summer Fattoria La Maliosa opens its doors to its guests with many events and experiences, suitable for all ages and for all holiday needs. We have designed a program that will let you get to know better our territory, but also to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature and taste our products: the Metodo Corino natural wines the organic extra-virgin olive oils and the pure honey of our bees. An oppurtunity to spend time in the nature, in total security.

If you love fitness, we are waiting for you for the “Maliosa Trekking”, a path through the olive groves and vineyards of our organic estate, led by Irene Belli, guide of Maremmatrekking. She will let you discovery the history of our places, once populated by the etruscan people. Two events are scheduled: Saturday the 4th of July and Friday the 7th of August. An afternoon itinerary, starting at 4pm, which will also allow you to enjoy the wonderful Maremma sunset.And for those who love well-being and want to take care of their body and mind, Fattoria La Maliosa organizes a weekend dedicated to well-being and conscious nutrition, in collaboration with Cibo Serio. “La Maremma che fa bene” (the wholesome Maremma) is scheduled for Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2th of August and it includes guided tours through the vineyards and olive groves, moments of tasting and training on conscious nutrition and yoga and relaxation lessons. An opportunity not to be missed, to regain possession of your body and mind, after the difficult months spent during the lockdown.

We also offer you every Friday in July and August, at 4pm, tastings of our natural wines, served with typical local products; every Saturday, in July and August as well, at 5pm, you can spend the evening in our StarsBox and enjoy a tasty picnic, prepared for you, waiting for the sunset.

In our StarsBox we also organize for you two special “Calici di Stelle” events, scheduled on Monday the 10th of August and on Saturday the 15th of August, to make you live a special experience, overlooking the hills of the Tuscan Maremma.

Reservations are required. For information and registration, you can call at (+39) 3271860416, or send an email to

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