Fillet medallions with grapes

The grape harvest has just ended at the Farm and you can tell autumn has recently arrived only by taking a peek at the calendar or the tree branches that are progressively losing their hope-tinted colour. Mild temperatures, the sun is high and no one feels like sequestering themselves in the kitchen just yet.

However, in the name of seasonality, I propose this tasty, refreshing and delicious dish that is prepared in less than no time…

Medaglioni di filetto con uva

Fillet medallions with grapes
Ingredients for 4 people
4 medallions of beef tenderloin (250 grams each)
1 shallot
1 leek
1 shot of La Maliosa Bianco wine
50g of sultanas
300g of red table grapes
1/2 cup of dry table white wine
4 tablespoons of plain flour
vegetable stock
La Maliosa biodynamic extra virgin olive oil
black pepper

Fry the shallots and chopped leek in the oil. Dust the fillet medallions in flour and brown in a frying pan over high heat for about 5 minutes. Combine the sultanas, previously soaked in La Maliosa Bianco, and drained. Add the washed and dried table grapes.
Deglaze with the white wine and let evaporate. Cover the frying pan and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Arrange the medallions on individual plates, spoon over the grapes and sauce, and serve immediately.

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