September at La Maliosa

After a busy summer that saw Fattoria La Maliosa host many events and welcome Italian and foreign guests, we still have a lot of appointments for the month of September. We are always glad to have guests and tell them teh sory of our experience in producing natural wines and bio olive oils

Ww wait for you also in September with many appointments and different experiences.

Every day, by reservation, you can visit the winery and the vineyards and book a tasting of our Natural Wines, produced according to the Corino Method. Always by reservation, you can book a Picnic at sunset in our Starsbox, overlooking the beautiful hills of Maremma, ending with a night in the vineyard under the stars.

On Saturday the 19th and on Sunday the 20th and on Saturday the 26th and on Sunday the 27th we join the initiative “Cantine Aperte during the harvest” by Movimento Turismo del Vino. We are waiting for you to visit our vineyards during the harvest. The appointments on Saturday are at 4pm, those on Sunday are at 11am.

Always on Saturday, September the 19th at 4pm we have the Maliosa Trekking, one of our best event for the last two months. A trekking of about 6 km, through the wood, the Stellata torrent, our olive groves and vineyards, until you arrive to the Mount Cavallo, where you can enjoy the 360 º view over the Maremma hills. The Maremma is a beautiful landscape. Here, half way, there will take place the picnic, tasting typical local products and our Natural Wines. The walk will be together with an expert guide, Irene Belli of Maremma Trekking.

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