La Maliosa at ViViT 2013

La Maliosa al ViviT

Vinitaly is an event that every year creates turmoil in the wine world. Since last year within the Vinitaly fair there is an oasis that has not gone unnoticed: ViViT. A very well-defined area, airy and larger than last year, in a part of the renovated hall 11, thanks to the patient work of the organizers associated in Vi.Te. The furniture is basic, with panels which well identify the wineries and their regions of origin: the real stars are the wines and their producers with a “natural” presentation which perfectly reflects what will be tasted.

La Maliosa al ViviT
To be admitted to ViViT, the producers have to make a request and submit their wines to be tasted by the organizers, the association Vi.Te., which summed up in the ViViT 2013 Manifesto (at the bottom of this post) the principles inspiring the participating winemakers. In addition, growers sign a self-certification that summarizes the stringent common requirements: the entire estate has to be run and all of its products have to be obtained according  to the organic and / or biodynamic principles, the wine must be made of grapes grown for at least 3 years according to these principles. The wines must be the result of spontaneous fermentation with indigenous yeasts. Additives are not allowed, except for the conscious use of sulfites within the limits of the organic specifications. Grape harvesting  has to be manual, and fermentation, aging and bottling should not be forced or manipulated. Participants accept  a random picking of wine bottles used for the tastings by the organizers, in order to have the wine analyzed to detect residues forbidden by the organic farming rules.

Watching the ViViT visitors, you are immediately struck by the atmosphere of hard work and specific interest for the natural wines being presented. A continuous flow, and, in spite of the expansion compared to 2012 which was the first year, also a peaceful line to pick up the tasting glass and enter. For us of Fattoria La Maliosa, there is the satisfaction of having many people stop to taste our “orange wine” La Maliosa Bianco 2011 and the La Maliosa Rosso 2011, both wines adding to the organic and biodynamic (Demeter) certifications, a much appreciated natural winemaking. It’s this kind of winemaking that lets you taste in the La Maliosa wines the Maremma’s typical grapes they’re made of and the territory they’re coming from.

The many foreign importers from Asia, the United States and also from Northern Europe, mixed with Italian operators. They all were particularly fascinated by the history of the La Maliosa farm and by our work of recovery of ancient typical varieties found in our Old Vineyard. Our decision to privilege quality over quantity, resulting in natural wines with a strong personality, earned unanimous consents and passionate comments.


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VIVIT is synonymous with handcrafted wine, wine that expresses the flavor of the land where it was born, a wine that is generated in diversity, in awareness and in presence. The grower, through the daily agricultural acts he implements, creates a personal relationship with the land and the wine: we want to celebrate this value.

VIVIT brings together producers from around the world who want to express themselves in transparency, authenticity and individuality. Our wines are produced in compliance with the living and want to be the authentic expression of the territory where they were born.

VIVIT is a meeting place for wine lovers, for those who produce it, for those who drink it, for those who sell it, for those who speak about it and for those who are passionate about it. We wish to pass on our values, our honesty and freedom and a shared vision of our work.

Dominique Mosca

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