2016 at La Maliosa

Dear Friends of La Maliosa,
we have come to the conclusion of an intense year, which brought us a lot of satisfaction and many achievements.


In the vineyard we are proud to have undertaken the renovation of our “Vigna Madre”, by restoring the craftsmanship of grafting, using our own buds. This means the maintenance of our germoplasm and at the same time the continuation of the historical heritage of the farm and our territory.
On the commercial side, in foreign markets we continue to be present in Japan, Australia, Austria and Slovakia. In Europe we shipped our wines for the first time to Sweden and Danemark. As in the past, we also participated to various international events, among which RAW WINE Fair in London, Berlin and for the first time in New York City. In Italy we have been present for the 5th year in a row at VIVIT, the natural and artisan wines pavillion of VINITALY.
2016 has been a year to remember for the two La Maliosa olive oils: many mentions on the main industry guides and recipients of prestigious awards.
Finally, the images of La Maliosa could be seen on national television, SKY ITALIA channels “Alice TV” and “Marco Polo TV“.
Starting January we will be pleased to invite you to the events dedicated to the presentation of Lorenzo Corino’s book “Vineyards, Wine, Life”, with introductions by Angelo Gaja and Isabelle Legeron, and in which Antonella Manuli took on the role of Editor.

Our best wishes for a peaceful and successful new year to you and your families.

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