Calamari ripieni di zucchine

On these warm, sunny days, there are two stops you must make if you want to cook something colourful, tasty and nutritious!
A visit to your favourite greengrocers to fill bags (preferably those eco-friendly and reusable ones) with colourful fruits and vegetables typical of the summer season and a stop by the fishmonger for a leap to the waterfront before even turning on the stove…
And once home, all you need is a bit of imagination and lunch or dinner will soon be served, perhaps on the veranda!
Calamari ripieni di zucchine

Zucchini-stuffed calamari
Ingredients for 4 people
4 squid
15g of Gibboni roasted hazelnuts
170g of small and firm zucchini
2 tablespoons of fresh milk
45g of ricotta
3 slices of bread without crusts
black pepper
curry powder
1 clove of garlic
La Maliosa Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Wash the zucchini, trim off the ends and cut finely with a knife. Put them in a bowl and add the sliced bread without crusts, milk, ricotta, coarsely chopped hazelnuts and a tablespoon of olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Mix together until the mixture is smooth.
Clean the squid, remove their skin and chop off their heads. Coarsely chop the latter. Finely chop the parsley and put in a large frying pan with a clove of garlic and olive oil. Fry and add the squid heads before flavouring with curry powder. Cook for a few minutes. Add the cooked heads to the filling and remove the garlic from the pan. Transfer the filling to a pastry bag and fill your squid tubes. Seal the tubes with a toothpick.

Preparazione Calamari ripieni di zucchine
Squid stuffed with the mixture
Transfer the squid tubes to the frying pan in which you previously cooked the heads and brown for a few minutes on a high heat. Season, reduce the heat, cover and cook for about ten minutes. Rest the tubes in the pan and serve warm with a green salad on the side.

Ricetta - Calamari ripieni di zucchine

Recipe, styling, photos: Sara Milletti 

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