Just yesterday I found myself answering some questions for an interview and, among other things, I was asked what type of cuisine I preferred.
The immediate and realistic response was that every day I choose an expressive cuisine with dishes made on the spot with fresh, healthy and seasonal ingredients. I love those recipes that make you feel satiated yet lightweight. You must be careful, however, because the success of these dishes is always linked to the quality of the ingredients. In the case of this carpaccio (or my lunch today), fresh and tender artichokes are essential, as is a good extra virgin olive oil that will give the dish the right balance!
I consider this recipe evergreen and I am sure that if you try it, you’ll agree 🙂


Carpaccio of artichokes
Ingredients for 4 people
4 fresh artichokes
1 lemon
80g parmesan flakes
La Maliosa extra virgin olive oil
black pepper

Fill a bowl with water and lemon juice. Clean the artichokes by removing the tough outer leaves, dividing them in half and removing any inner whiskers (this must be done quickly to prevent the artichokes from turning black). Cut them into very thin slices, dip quickly in the water and lemon juice and leave for half an hour.
Emulsify 4 tablespoons of oil with the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of salt.
Just before serving, drain the artichokes and arrange on a serving platter.
Drizzle with the oil emulsion and complete with parmesan cheese and black pepper. Serve immediately

Sara Milletti

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