Biodynamic agriculture explained to children


Fattoria La Maliosa, close to Manciano (Grosseto, Italy), is a farm where we work following the Biodynamic Agriculture’s rules.  It’s a natural agriculture, even stricter than organic agriculture, and the most important thing is nature.

Doing Biodynamic agriculture means to carefully observe the earth, walking through the farm’s land. We respect the changing seasons, the local traditions, the richness of plants and animals (biodiversity) you can find in the fields and woods. The use of synthetic mineral fertilizers and chemical pesticides is forbidden. We work the soil by observing the biodynamic calendar, which is based on the cycles of the planets and the moon.

A biodynamic farm can easily be distinguished from others. At Fattoria La Maliosa you can see lots of colorful flowers, trees and shrubs, and many different varieties, always local and Tuscan, of olive trees and vines. Even in the vineyards there is life: there are larks that have nested on a vine, there are many butterflies and other insects. Early in the morning or in the evening, you can see deer and fallow deer, sometimes a porcupine and wild boars. Given this richness, also our bees which have just arrived, feel comfortable: they have plenty of food and soon they’ll give us wonderful honey. The extra virgin olive oil and the La Maliosa Rosso (red) and Bianco (white) wines are tasty products, with the typical flavor of our land, and very healthy: a treat for everybody!

Dominique Mosca

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