Welcome Dario!

This new year opens the doors to Dario Vannuzzi, the new responsible for Fattoria la Maliosa’s farms. He brings talent, enthusiasm and desire to communicate our experience in Maremma. This is his presentation:

Dario Vannuzzi
“The place where I was born is situated a few kilometers far from “Fattoria La Maliosa”, in the south of Tuscany. It is in this area where I have spent my childhood, living in my fathers’ farm, surrounded by the nature and the beauties of this land. So I can define myself as one of the sons of this land as well as the products of Fattoria La Maliosa.

I have a Bachelor degree in Linguistics and Business Administration, and I have recently concluded an International MBA in Madrid. My previous work experiences are linked to the field of administration and related with the agricultural sector.

Since the first contact with Antonella Manuli and Fattoria La Maliosa I was fascinated by their project, the enthusiasm and the determination in pursuing their objectives following the principles of biodynamic agriculture and by taking care of the soil and the environment.

I am a person who has spent most of his life enjoying the freedom and the peace that only the countryside is able to offer. After one year living in Madrid, where I have studied the MBA, the chance to come back to my land and between “my” nature, the wonderful landscape offered by the Monte Cavallo Hill and the opportunity of living among vineyards and olive trees smelling the flavor of the countryside represent an irresistible temptation.

The desire to come back to my origins, the chance to work closely with my land and its products and the opportunity to participate in a project in which they are the protagonists have been the principal reasons that have induced me to join the team of Fattoria La Maliosa.

This will be a period of change for both, me and Fattoria la Maliosa. For me it represents the beginning of a new fascinating challenge and a new experience; for Fattoria La Maliosa it is a period of transition and evolution. In this moment we need optimism, desire to improve and ambition: these ingredients will be indispensable to lead the project to success.”

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