February and the coldest days of the year. The sort of cold days when the rush of fingers at the keyboard is interrupted for a sip of something hot and a look out the window directly at the whitewashed tiles on the roof. The snow falls slowly and silently without disturbing the usual city noises.

Inside there’s still the scent of mulled wine, a pleasant “indoor aroma” that makes the beautiful piece of meat purchased from a favourite butcher even more tender.

Yesterday I opted for rump steak, a versatile and tasty first-grade cut and I decided to accompany it with a creamy seasonal root vegetable…


Marinated rump steak with Jerusalem artichoke puree
Ingredients for 4 people
700g of rump steak
300g of La Maliosa red wine
3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
2 small shallots
1 sprig rosemary
250g of Jerusalem artichoke
2 tablespoons of black olives, pitted
1/2 cup of dry white wine
La Maliosa extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
1 knob of butter
flakes of fleur de sel

In a saucepan, pour in the red wine, vinegar, rosemary and peeled shallots. Bring to the boil and pour the wine over the meat after removing the fat and placing in a baking dish. Cover and marinate until the wine has cooled completely.
Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and cut into very thin slices. Cook over low heat in a pan with 40g of oil and a clove of peeled garlic. After a few minutes, pour over the white wine and cook for 3 minutes.
Blend the Jerusalem artichokes with the chopped parsley and olives.
Drain the rump steak and dry well with paper towels. Cut into 2/3cm slices. In the same pan you cooked the Jerusalem artichokes in, melt the butter and add the rump slices. Cook for 2 minutes per side over medium heat. Turn off, cover and let rest for 10 minutes. On a cutting board, cut the meat into serving slices and serve with flakes of fleur de sel and a quenelle of Jerusalem artichoke puree. Accompany the meal with La Maliosa Rosso red wine.


Sara Milletti

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