ViViT/Vinitaly 2012. What is changing in the way natural wines are sold?

Vini La Maliosa Vinitaly 2012

As for food, also for wine people are looking for a truer taste and a flavor reminiscent of the fruit and the earth it comes from.
It’s a renewal which has been under way for several years: the natural wine producers want to bring the wine back to being considered as food which as such has to nourish our body in a healthy way.
Events, farmers markets, fairs of natural food, tastings were born during the last decade all over Italy and the movement has gained many fans.

Vini La Maliosa Vinitaly 2012
Until this year the fairs dedicated to natural wines took place outside Vinitaly  in Cerea and Villa Favorita, two very fascinating locations where for a decade most of the Italian producers, together with a large group of French and Slovenian ones, have gathered.
Climbing the stairs at the entrance of Villa Favorita, you had the feeling of entering a place embracing a different idea of wine, to which a select group had the opportunity to get closer in order to understand it: frescoed halls, light filtering through huge windows, maze-like basements scattered with producers, andthe wines.
There you forgot the rules imposed by the wine industry, you discovered that there are ways of making great whites without checking the fermentation temperature and maybe letting them macerate on the skins during six months and even in a buried amphora. There you discovered the quality of soils which don’t know chemicals, of grapes not suffering the violence of systemic products, of wine making without additives nor various treatments of cosmetic surgery.

All of this could be discovered only outside of Vinitaly. But this year there has been something new: 130 producers of natural wine led by Renaissance des Appellations have enlivened a space within the 2012 edition of the most commercial fair in the wine world. The ViViT pavilion, Vigne (Vineyards), Vignaioli (Winemakers) and Terroir , has been the focus of this year’s Vinitaly, a success beyond any expectation, showing how natural wines are generating a huge interest among the general public and not only among a
narrow niche of fans.

And something of the older events has remained: ViViT is a simple pavilion with very basic booths where what stands out is the wine and nothing else. A hall with not too scattered producers which gives the sense of a compact group of vine growers, side by side ready to pour their wines while talking about their work.
An oasis within the wine-disneyland. Another way to communicate a truer taste.

If you want to see pictures of faces at Vinitaly, please clic on

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