Nature, design and beauty

Land Art at Fattoria La Maliosa.

From StarsBOX to the new La Maliosa Skydeck, the projects created with Officina 82, to enhance the rural landscape.

Attention to the territory and its enhancement has always been a focus of the project of Fattoria La Maliosa, both from an agricultural point of view and from the integration of design with the landscape for wine and olive oil turism.

With this in mind, a collaboration was born with Officina82, an architectural design studio, which saw four StarsBOX arrived at La Maliosa, wood design installations, perfectly integrated into the nature, which allow guests to enjoy an immersive experience under the starry sky of the Maremma countryside.

Today the StarsBOX at La Maliosa are “Terra”, “Aria”, “Uliveta” and “Maliosa”. Each with an area set up in complete privacy, allowing guests to have a different view, but to always be in close contact with nature and the Maremma sky, thanks to the fully opening roof. A project not only of hospitality, therefore, but of architecture, that knows how to enhance the beauty of the territory.

Now the Land Art project proposed by La Maliosa with Officina82 continues with the creation of La Maliosa Skydeck, a large ‘table d’orientation’ that opens up a 360 ° view of the natural landscape of the Tuscan Maremma, from the Giglio Island to the Monte Amiata, from Pitigliano to Monte Argentario.

Designed by Officina82, the Skydeck, unique in Maremma, was placed in the center of the Corino vineyard, a garden vineyard located on the top of the Monte Cavallo, the highest point in the farm. It takes up the circular lines of the vineyard, following them and inserting themselves into the natural environment, enhancing it and creating an innovative and interactive ‘Belvedere’. The guest, in fact, will find himself in the center of a wooden platform that marks angles and lines, allowing to highlight and connect places, always visualizing exactly the indicated position, creating an interaction and an experience of fusion with the landscape, summing up the very concept of wide-ranging view.

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