Our best wishes looking to a new decade

“Reality depends on imagination” (G. Casanova)

A year ends, a new decade begins, perhaps it is also for this reason that our vision becomes wider and the actions of 2019 represent it well. What we are today depends on our history, but also on our outlook towards the future, which we must preserve in order to remain ourselves.

Our greatest commitment is always dedicated to the fields and the cellar, where we continue to apply the “Metodo Corino”, at the center of our production processes and our values: the soil, human work, environmental protection, product quality.

The past year has seen us protagonists, with Antonella Manuli and Lorenzo Corino, of an intense dissemination activity both in Italy and abroad. In particular, we recall an extraordinary experience in Japan in March where we met hundreds of people, including many young ones, as part of a tight program of presentations and seminars between Tokyo and Osaka. Intense days in which we presented the Japanese edition of “The essence of wine and natural viticulture” (wain no honshitsu) and the “Metodo Corino”, also with the precious assistance of our importer BMO and the curator and translator of the book Take Kawamura.

In May, Antonella Manuli was called to give a lecture on sustainability at the University of Verona as part of the Master course “Policies and governance of the territories” and, with Lorenzo Corino, she explained how much can be done today, in front of an audience of young people and local administrators of the Valpolicella region (Veneto, Italy).

Last but not least, in the final days of 2019 the new Italian edition of the work in hard copy was released, with Antonella Manuli as the editor, a stimulus for a renewed vision of viticulture and wine.

In Maremma Tuscany we were confronted with a vintage that alternated periods of drought with others of extreme rain, even some flooding in the last months of the year. More “normal” conditions in the months of September and October allowed us to successfully complete the grape and olive harvest. Finally, we are on the way to completing the last two hectares of vineyards, which brings us to 9 hectares, by launching a project on volcanic soil in Pitigliano, with the aim of enhancing the Procanico grape variety, in the place and soil conditions where it has historically originated. Today, the first hectare is already planted in the “Vigna della Formica” and the next is scheduled for 2020.

The other big goal of 2019 was the development of hospitality in the cellar, which led us to design different experiences on dedicated portals such as Airbnb and other major italian websites. Today we can say, thanks to hospitality and visits, that La Maliosa has opened up its true self, is increasingly welcoming, thus creating the direct contact necessary to understand and discover the reality of our farm and work:


Tastings in the cellar, visits to the vineyards and olive orchards, but also overnight and real tourist experiences, in our residence “La Maliosa Natural Apartment Suites” and in the brand new StarsBox on Monte Cavallo, from which from March 2020 it will be possible to observe the starry sky, immersed in the vineyard.

We end the year on a very positive note, as it can already be said that 2019 was a great year for olive oil, which following feedback from the judges’ panels has already brought the first prizes and mentions:

  • for the fourth time we received a mark higher than 8, confirming the presence in the “National catalog of monovarietal olive oils” with the Leccio del Corno cultivar and from this year also the Leccino cultivar;
  • Biolnovello Award 2019: Extra Gold Medal for the monocultivar EVO Bio Oil “La Maliosa Caletra” – 2019 Collection;
  • Biolnovello Award 2019: Gold Medal for EVO Bio Oil “La Maliosa Aurinia” – 2019 Collection;
  • “L ‘Orciolo d’Oro 2019” Competition: Great mention for Bio EVO monocultivar “La Maliosa Caletra” – 2018 Harvest;
  • Guide “Terre D’Olio 2019” by Fausto Borella: Bio monocultivar EVO oilLa Maliosa Caletra” – 2018 Harvest;

The viticultural and wine project has also been recognized for its consistency:

From all of La Maliosa Team we wish you a peaceful and plentiful 2020!

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