The 2019 olive harvest gifted La Maliosa evoo with outstanding awards

A year that gave important results, with several of our oils awarded in all the most important national and intrnational contexts, thanks also to a better year, from a climatic point of view.

After 2017, characterized by drought, and 2018 which damaged the olive groves due to the frost, 2019 showed a more regular climatic trend, even if the temperatures of the month of May, definitely below average, did not favor the cultivation. The start was therefore not the best but the rest of the season, fairly regular and the regular summer rains then favored the growth of the olives and the production without any stops due to the drought. Especially the monocultivar Leccio del Corno got an excellent score of 8.2 at the 17th National Review of Monovarietal Oils.

The olive fly returned in September and October, but the installation of monitoring traps in the previous months and the same periodical of the olive samples allowed to limit the fly’s attacks. Even the early harvesting, but at the right degree of ripeness (i.e. when the olives are not completely ripened), was an important factor to obtain a high quality oil. Harvesting is carried out in a scalar way from the beginning of October and for each variety from the earliest to the later in terms of ripening. All these attentions made it possible to limit fly damage to a minimum and to obtain a non-deteriorated fruit and consequently the highest quality of the oils.

The work on product quality also involves frequent checks in the field during the collection and the adoption of rational behaviours such as not leaving the olives too long on the nets. In this way they would heat up and the quality of the oil would be affected. Furthermore, whenever possible, two pressing operations are carried out per day, so that the product is processed quickly after harvesting; in any case, the processing of the individual lots does not exceed 24 hours.

We have already mentioned that we obtained a lot of prices. La Maliosa Caletra oil has won the Extra Medal Gold at the XXV International Prize BIOl 2020. In the same review, La Maliosa Aurinia 2019 oil has won the Gold Medal. Also in La Maliosa Caletra, 2 red leaves were assigned in the Gambero Rosso Italian Oils Guide.

La Maliosa oils have also been included in several authoritative guides, including the Terre d’Olio 2020 Guide and the Slow Food 2020 Extra Virgin Olive Oils Guide. La Maliosa Caletra Leccino, La Maliosa Caletra Leccio del Corno and La Maliosa Aurinia were also awarded the highest score, 3EST!!! in the Guide “La Tuscia dell’E.V.O. 2020 – Harvest 2019. Guide to the Extra Virgin Olive “edited by Carlo Zucchetti.

To complete the awards achieved the third place conquered by La Maliosa Aurinia in the competition L’Orciolo d’Oro 2020 – Northern Hemisphere, in the section Organic Oils – Light Fruity.

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